Enjoy these educational videos and resources for students of a variety of ages. This section is particularly helpful for educators.
If you have resources that you think would make a good addition to this page please connect with us at contact@voices-uri.org
HOW TO TALK TO YOUR KIDS ABOUT THE WAR IN UKRAINE - Click HERE to read this helpful article for parents created by the Bulletin for Atomic Scientists. Click HERE to learn more about the Bulletin for Atomic Scientists as they are a great resource.
The Evolution of Weapons in the World
This 1-minute 15-second video was made for kids of all ages. It is an animation that visually outlines the use of weapons throughout human history and suggests that our problems can be solved non-violently.
Take the follow-up quiz HERE.

Captain No Nukes
Meet Captain No-Nukes, he's working to rid the world of nuclear weapons and he needs your help! Check out this 3 minute animation for kids 8 and up to see what Captain No Nukes is doing to save the world and what you can do too!
Take the follow-up quiz HERE.
The Threat of Nuclear Weapons - Call to Action
This 11 Minute video, intended for young adults ages 15+ gives a brief history of nuclear weapons and explains what we can all do to rid the world of this threat.
Take the follow-up quiz HERE.

Bibliography​: We have a wide array of books and articles listed on our website as resources. Explore the past, present, and future of nuclear weaponry via these acclaimed titles.
Filmography: Many films have been made on the topic of nuclear weapons including an original film of our own. Visit this section to learn more about these movies and watch them in their entirety.
Interactive Timeline: The 75th Anniversaries of the United Nations and the A-Bomb, a Timeline of 1945 by VT WILPF.
William J. Perry Project: Founded by U.S. Secretary of Defense William Perry to change the conversation around nuclear weapons, and to educate the public on the nuclear threat in the 21st century.
Women and the Manhattan Project (Lesson Plan): This lesson is intended for high school and college level students. Students will learn about the history of the Manhattan Project and how many women contributed in various capacities. This lesson relies on oral histories from a variety of women whose lives were affected in major ways by the Manhattan Project. Students will discuss their
opinions and the opinions of the women researched regarding the decision to drop the atomic bombs.
Kids < 10 Years
Sadako’s Cranes: Teaching pack/Powerpoint slides for learning about Sadako Sasaki, plus video for making peace cranes. Can also be used with older kids.
Teach Peace: Ten curricular units for teachers to use in teaching, generally, about peace. Geared to kids age 5-12.
Middle School/High School
The Bomb Factor: Six downloadable lesson plans for teachers or visiting CND Ambassadors to use
Dial M for Missile: Seven downloadable lesson plans for teachers or visiting CND Ambassadors to use
Under Pressure: Three downloadable lesson plans on how “pressure groups” operate for teachers or visiting CND Ambassadors to use
Truman on Trial: Six downloadable lesson plans for teachers or visiting CND Ambassadors to use
Critical Mass: Five downloadable lesson plans for teachers or visiting CND Ambassadors to use when teaching tweens/teens about the differential effects of nuclear weapons on gender and race.
Nuclear Ban Treaty: Information about the treaty, map of participating countries, and info. on each of those countries.
Peace Crane Video: 15-minute history of the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombings with origami peace crane instructions interspersed throughout.
Nuclear Weapons Video: 40-minute overview of history and current world situation. Geared to secondary/High School students and marketed as a video appropriate for school-wide assemblies.
Avoiding Armageddon: Five lesson plans with background information, and ideas for activities and follow-up. Geared to high school students.
Children of the Atomic Bomb: Three lesson plans geared to high-schoolers. Connected explicitly to U.S. Educational Curriculum Standards
Dr. Yamazaki: Three short video excerpts from a longer interview with Dr. Yamazaki.
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation: They offer a variety of lesson plans for this age group based on past stories. I think there’s one entitled The Facts on Nuclear Power and one entitled A Timeline of Cold War Events.
Last Cherry Blossom: Historical fiction novel by Kathleen Burkinshaw geared to kids age 12 and up.
From Nagasaki to the World – Part I and Part II: Created by High School students from Nagasaki for high school students around the world. Includes background, personal testimonies, and discussion questions.
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA): Materials to be used to create undergraduate/academic courses/programs.